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Bezmialem Phytotherapy Education, Research and Application Center” is an organization that aims to train health professionals who apply Phytotherapy in the light of ethical values ​​and modern science, conduct research on the protection and improvement of public health and the use of herbal products for treatment purposes, and provide expert support in the field of standardization, quality control and licensing of herbal products.

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Gamma knife is applied in important centers around the world, and we treat our patients in our University Hospital with our knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated team using this advanced technology. Gamma knife is a high-tech device that delivers radioactive radiation to the disease-causing lesion in a single dose, locally, while protecting normal brain tissue.

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Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital was handed the title of ''BABY-FRIENDLY HOSPITAL'' by WHO and Unicef ​​due to the successful breast milk practices recommended within the scope of ''Breast Milk Promotion and Baby-Friendly Healthcare Institutions Program''.​
Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital was given the title of ''BABY-FRIENDLY NEWBORN INTENSIVE CARE'' by WHO and Unicef ​​due to the successful breast milk practices recommended within the scope of ''Breast Milk Promotion and Baby-Friendly Healthcare Institutions Program''.

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Bezmialem Vakif University has provided healthcare services since 1845 and has currently included within its establishment a new International Clinic that will serve with a great team of 75+ award-winning academics in all branches of medicine in its internationally recognized clinics. Focused on excellence services, the International Clinic has adopted a mission that will improve Turkey's vision in healthcare in the international arena.
The International Clinic, an institution referred to by the Department of Medical Tourism, has accepted patients from several countries.

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​Academically and Professionally Competent Physicians, High Quality Care, New Generation Professionals...

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PHYTOTHERAPYBezmialem Phytotherapy Education, Research and Application Center” is an organization that aims to train health professionals who apply Phytotherapy in the light of ethical values ​​and modern science, conduct research on the protection and improvement of public health and the use of herbal products for treatment purposes, and provide expert support in the field of standardization, quality control and licensing of herbal products.

GAMMA KNIFEGamma knife is applied in important centers around the world, and we treat our patients in our University Hospital with our knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated team using this advanced technology. Gamma knife is a high-tech device that delivers radioactive radiation to the disease-causing lesion in a single dose, locally, while protecting normal brain tissue.

CERTIFICATE OF QUALITYBezmialem Vakıf University Hospital was handed the title of ''BABY-FRIENDLY HOSPITAL'' by WHO and Unicef ​​due to the successful breast milk practices recommended within the scope of ''Breast Milk Promotion and Baby-Friendly Healthcare Institutions Program''.​ Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital was given the title of ''BABY-FRIENDLY NEWBORN INTENSIVE CARE'' by WHO and Unicef ​​due to the successful breast milk practices recommended within the scope of ''Breast Milk Promotion and Baby-Friendly Healthcare Institutions Program''.

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTSBezmialem Vakif University has provided healthcare services since 1845 and has currently included within its establishment a new International Clinic that will serve with a great team of 75+ award-winning academics in all branches of medicine in its internationally recognized clinics. Focused on excellence services, the International Clinic has adopted a mission that will improve Turkey's vision in healthcare in the international arena. The International Clinic, an institution referred to by the Department of Medical Tourism, has accepted patients from several countries.

EXPERT STAFF ​Academically and Professionally Competent Physicians, High Quality Care, New Generation Professionals...