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Dental Implantology

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are screws made of titanium or other biocompatible materials that are placed into the jawbone in areas where teeth are missing. After the implants are placed, dental prostheses are made on these screws. These prostheses can be fixed or mobile, that is, they can be inserted and removed.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

When an implant is used to make a fixed dental prosthesis, there is no need to reduce the size of the adjacent teeth. It allows fixed prostheses to be made instead of removable prostheses. In this way, the patient becomes more comfortable during daily activities such as speaking and eating. Or, dentures that do not hold up due to osteoporosis and constantly come out of the mouth can be made more stable.​

To whom can implant treatment be applied?

Implant treatment can be applied to individuals who are over the age of 18 and have completed their growth and development. Before the treatment, x-rays are taken to determine whether the bone amount and jaw structure are suitable for the implant. In patients with insufficient bone amount, bone grafting procedures may also be required. In cases such as heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, these diseases must be under control before implant treatment. For those using blood thinners, these medications should be discontinued if necessary by consulting their doctor before treatment.​

What is done before the implant?

Before implant treatment, a detailed clinical and radiographic examination is performed on the patient. The places where the implants will be placed are determined. If additional surgical treatment is required, it is planned.

How is implant treatment done?

After planning, the patient is placed under anesthesia for surgical procedures. Local or general anesthesia is preferred depending on the procedures to be performed on the patient and the patient's condition. Once the implants are placed, there are two options. The first option is to attach temporary caps to the implants. Another option is that after the implants are inserted, they are covered with gum and left to heal. Headgear is worn when the prosthetic phase is started. Depending on the procedures performed, the implants are expected to fuse with the bone within a period of 3-6 months. At the end of this period, permanent prostheses are made for the patient. Sometimes, after dental implants are placed, dentures can be placed immediately without waiting.

What should be taken into consideration after the implant?

Patients may experience slight bleeding and swelling in the first 1-2 days after surgery. In order to reduce this swelling and bleeding, the patient is recommended to apply ice. For infection and pain control purposes, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and mouthwash after the procedure. Patients should use these medications regularly as recommended by their physician, brush their remaining teeth and take care to keep the wound areas clean. If all these are taken into consideration, they can easily get through the post-operative period without any problems. Implant treatment is not a difficult procedure to be afraid of. The important thing is that the patient pays attention to oral hygiene and follows the recommendations of his physician.​